DATE: March 12, 2025
TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers
FROM: Development Services Department
Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the proposed Coast Highway Bridge Replacement Project.
The Coast Highway Bridge over the San Luis Rey River was constructed in 1929. In accordance with a federally mandated Bridge Inspection Program managed by Caltrans, a 2011 bridge inspection report was conducted by the Caltrans Division of Structures Maintenance and Investigation. The report listed bridge deficiencies at several locations in the city, including Oceanside’s Coast Highway Bridge. It identified several structural deficiencies caused by prevalent steel corrosion.
On March 4, 2015, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 12-R0619-1 to approve acceptance of federal-aid funds for 88.47% of costs associated with engineering services and future construction of the proposed Project, as well as a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with Moffat & Nichol Inc., in an amount not to exceed $5,393,910, for the proposed Project’s design. Two no-cost amendments to the PSA have been filed for the re-allocation of contingency funds to compensate the consultant for additional work.
The proposed project includes replacing the existing Coast Highway Bridge with a new concrete bridge designed in conformance with local, state, and federal environmental planning policies using Highway Bridge Program funds. In accordance with California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) Guidelines Article 6, Sections 15070 to 15075, an MND was prepared to assess the proposed project’s potential impacts on the environment and the significance of those impacts.
The Draft MND was circulated for a 30-day public review period beginning on October 7, 2024, and ending on November 5, 2024. During the public review period the City received comments from the California Department of Transportation, California Department of Fish and Wildlife, San Diego County Archeological Society, Buena Vista Audubon Society, Sammy Lennox, and David Heering, Trustee for Carpenter Gift Trusts. A question was also received regarding the potential acquisition of a vacant lot on the north side of the San Luis Rey River. The response to that specific inquiry was that any necessary coordination with property owners would be done once final design is complete and the need for any specific right-of-way acquisitions are confirmed. The rest of the comments received, and the City’s responses to those comments, have been incorporated into the Final MND (FMND).
Based on the results of analysis detailed in the MND, the proposed project would not have any significant impacts on the environment once mitigation measures are implemented. In accordance with CEQA Guidelines Section 15074(b), before approving the project, the City as lead agency under CEQA will consider the MND with any comments received during this public review period. Staff is requesting adoption of the MND so it may be used as supporting documentation to comply with National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and obtain project construction approvals from state regulatory agencies.
Upon the adoption of the MND, staff will proceed with the final engineering design development of plans, specifications, and estimate (PS&E), which is 100% reimbursable by federal-aid funds. Staff will then advertise the invitation for bids, anticipated to occur in 2027, before requesting City Council approval to award the construction contract. Construction will be reimbursable by federal-aid funds up to 88.53% of the costs, with a 11.47% City local match. State and local grants are actively being explored by staff to supplement the local match. At this time, the total cost of construction is anticipated to be approximately $60 million; however, as with most construction projects the cost estimate is subject to change based on economic and market conditions at the time of construction.
There is no fiscal impact associated with the adoption of the MND.
Does not apply.
The referenced documents have been reviewed by the City Attorney and approved as to form.
Prepared by: Luis Cardenas, Associate Engineer
Reviewed by: Darlene Nicandro, Development Services Director
Submitted by: Jonathan Borrego, City Manager
1. Staff Report
2. Final MND and MMRP
3. City Council Resolution (MND Adoption)