File #: 25-680    Version: 1
Type: Report Status: Agenda Ready
File created: 3/11/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/19/2025 Final action:
Title: Staff recommends the City Council receive a comprehensive report on the City's General Plan Update (GPU) and Climate Action Plan efforts to-date, receive public comments, and provide direction to staff on the GPU and CAP for future City Council consideration and adoption.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report, 2. Figure 1-2 of GPU, 3. October 6, 2021 City Council Staff Report, 4. City Clerk’s Action Minutes from October 6, 2021 City Council Meeting, 5. Community Vision, 6. January 12, 2022 City Council Staff Report, 7. City Clerk’s Action Minutes from January 12, 2022 City Council Meeting, 8. August 10, 2022 City Council Staff Report, 9. City Clerk’s Action Minutes from August 10, 2022 City Council Meeting, 10. Alternatives Report, 11. Summary of Community Engagement, 12. Certified Housing Element, 13. Ordinance 23-OR0174-1, 14. Public Comments, 15. Public Review Draft GPU Elements Link
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DATE: March 19, 2025

TO: Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers

FROM: Development Services Department


Staff recommends the City Council receive a comprehensive report on the City's General Plan Update (GPU) and Climate Action Plan efforts to-date, receive public comments, and provide direction to staff on the GPU and CAP for future City Council consideration and adoption.


On August 7, 2024, in conjunction with a Councilmember item put forth by Mayor Sanchez and Deputy Mayor Joyce, City Council, on a 5-0 vote, directed staff to prepare and present revised GPU deliverables that address the comments received and to bring them forward for review in a public workshop forum. The purpose of the workshop is to present an overview of the project deliverables prepared to date, provide an overview of the public comments received following circulation of the draft General Plan Elements and associated Environmental Impact Report last year, and provide an opportunity for further Council direction on the draft documents prior to their consideration at a future public hearing.

Purpose of General Plan
State law mandates that each city and county in California adopt a "comprehensive, long-term general plan." It is often referred to as a city's "constitution." General Plans typically include a set of policies and programs that constitute the "blueprint" for physical development. Within the City of Oceanside ("City"), its purpose is to establish a long-range vision for the community and to plan for future growth while addressing important community issues, such as new growth, housing needs, public services, environmental protection and economic resiliency. The General Plan expresses broad community values and goals, gives a picture of how the community should look in the future, and outlines steps to get there. Objectives such as "encour...

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