File #: 25-637    Version: 1
Type: Report Status: Passed
File created: 2/19/2025 In control: City Council
On agenda: 3/12/2025 Final action: 3/12/2025
Title: Staff recommends that the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA approve the waiving of reading of the text of all ordinances and the text and title of all resolutions included in this agenda. Unanimous approval of the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA is required.
Attachments: 1. Staff Report

DATE:  March 12, 2025


TO:                       Honorable Mayor and City Councilmembers


FROM: City Manager's Office





Staff recommends that the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA approve the waiving of reading of the text of all ordinances and the text and title of all resolutions included in this agenda.  Unanimous approval of the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA is required.





The City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA has adopted a policy that it is sufficient to read the title of ordinances at the time of introduction and adoption, and that reading of the full text of ordinances and the full text and title of resolutions may be waived.


Approval of this consent calendar item allows the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA to waive the reading of the full text and title of all resolutions agendized in the Consent Calendar, as well as the full text of all ordinances agendized in either the Introduction and Adoption of Ordinances or General Items sections.  This particular consent calendar item requires unanimous approval of the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA.


Upon approval of this item as part of the Consent Calendar, all resolutions included in the motion and second to approve the Consent Calendar shall be approved.  Those resolutions removed from the Consent Calendar and considered under separate action may also be approved without the reading of the full text and title of the resolutions.


Also upon approval of this item, the City Attorney will read the titles of all ordinances included in the Introduction and Adoption of Ordinances section.  After reading of the ordinance titles, the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA may introduce and/or adopt all the ordinances in one motion and second.



Submitted by: Jonathan Borrego, City Manager