Please note: this meeting's minutes have not been finalized yet. Actions taken on legislation and their results are not available.
Meeting Name: City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 3/12/2025 3:30 PM Minutes status: Draft  
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Not available  
Meeting video:  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction DetailsVideo
25-577 11.Closed SessionCONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR ON STATUS OF NEGOTIATIONS PREVIOUSLY AUTHORIZED IN OPEN SESSION (SECTION 54957.6) CONFERENCE WITH LABOR NEGOTIATOR - Negotiator: City Manager; employee organizations: Oceanside Police Officers’ Association (OPOA), Oceanside Police Officers’ Association - Non-Sworn (OPOA-NS), Oceanside Firefighters’ Association (OFA), Oceanside Police Management Association (OPMA), Management Employees of the City of Oceanside (MECO), Oceanside City Employees’ Association (OCEA), Oceanside Fire Management Association (OFMA), Oceanside Marine Safety Employees’ Association (OMSEA), Western Council of Engineers (WCE), and Unrepresented   Not available Not available
25-637 12.ReportStaff recommends that the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA approve the waiving of reading of the text of all ordinances and the text and title of all resolutions included in this agenda. Unanimous approval of the City Council/Harbor Board/CDC/OPFA is required.   Not available Not available
25-635 13.MinutesAccept City Clerk’s Action Minutes of the Small Craft Harbor District Board of Directors, Community Development Commission, City Council, and Oceanside Public Financing Authority of the February 12, 2025 Council Workshop and the February 19, 2025 Regular Meeting.   Not available Not available
25-619 14.AmendmentStaff recommends that the City Council approve Amendment 1 to the Janitorial Services Agreement with NMS Management, Inc., to include the READS Learning Center, in an amount not to exceed $21,560 for a two-year term, with two additional one-year terms for a revised total of $974,281; appropriate $10,780 from the City Building Maintenance Reserve for FY 2024-25; authorize the City Manager to execute the amendment upon receipt of all supporting documents and authorize the Financial Services Director, or designee, to execute the change order.   Not available Not available
25-662 15.ReportStaff recommends that the City Council approve a payment to KOCT Television, in the amount of $75,000, to support continued community television programming operations; appropriate $75,000 from General Fund Unassigned Reserves; and authorize the City Manager to execute the payment.   Not available Not available
24-511 16.ResolutionStaff and the Police and Fire Commission recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution to accept $52,914 in grant funds from the FY 2024 U.S. Department of Justice Edward Byrne Memorial Justice Assistance Grant awarded to the City for crime suppression; appropriate the funds to the Justice Assistance Grant Fund; approve the grant budget; and authorize the City Manager, or designee, to execute the grant documents.   Not available Not available
25-614 17.ReportStaff recommends that the City Council accept and appropriate donations totaling $97,500, disbursed throughout 2025, from the Friends of the Oceanside Public Library, awarded to the City to support Library services.   Not available Not available
25-597 18.ResolutionStaff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the Mitigated Negative Declaration (MND) and Mitigation, Monitoring, and Reporting Program (MMRP) for the proposed Coast Highway Bridge Replacement Project.   Not available Not available
25-612 19.ReportStaff and the Library Board of Trustees recommend that the City Council approve the Library Board of Trustees 2025-2027 Workplan.   Not available Not available
25-613 110.ReportStaff and the Arts Commission recommend that the City Council approve the Arts Commission 2025-2027 Workplan.   Not available Not available
25-622 111.ReportStaff recommends that City Council approve the modification of an existing Parks and Beaches Maintenance Supervisor position to a newly created Senior Parks and Beaches Maintenance Supervisor classification in the Public Works Department, effective immediately following Council adoption.   Not available Not available
25-634 112.ResolutionStaff recommends that the City Council adopt the Resolution of the City Council of the City of Oceanside Acting as the Legislative Body of the City of Oceanside Community Facilities District No. 2023-1 (North River Farms Public Facilities), Declaring its Intention to Consider an Amendment to the Amended and Restated Rate and Method of Apportionment of Special Tax and Decreasing the Amount of Bonded Indebtedness.   Not available Not available
25-611 113.ReportThe City Treasurer and staff recommend that the City Council accept the City Treasurer’s recommendation for an appointment to the Citizen Investment Oversight Committee (CIOC).   Not available Not available
25-656 114.ReportStaff submits the second quarter Financial Status Report and recommends that the City Council accept the report and approve the budget adjustments.   Not available Not available
25-621 115.ResolutionStaff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution to re-establish the Youth Commission and approve the application and bylaws.   Not available Not available
25-623 116.ResolutionStaff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution approving a plan of finance including the issuance of revenue bonds by the California Municipal Finance Authority, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $65,000,000, to finance and refinance the acquisition, construction, development and equipping of a 179-unit qualified residential rental project to be located at 712 Seagaze Drive (the “Project”) for the benefit of 716 Seagaze Affordable, L.P., a California Limited Partnership (or an affiliate), and certain other matters relating thereto.   Not available Not available
25-663 117.ReportCommunications from the public regarding items not on this agenda   Not available Not available
25-660 118.ReportRequest by Mayor Sanchez and Deputy Mayor Joyce: Change the standard of review of appeals to the City Council from Planning Commission decisions - When a council member or member of the public appeals a planning commission decision to the City Council, the Council shall be able to review the decision de novo and not be limited to the specific points raised in the appeal. The Council shall be able to review the entire record of the appeal; direction to staff.   Not available Not available